Friday, August 26, 2011

Ethiopia-Kenya Environmental, Social Impact Assessment Report

 The Ethiopia – Kenya Power Interconnection Project has been in the news in the recent days with various comments about the impact on L. Turkana of the Ethiopian's damming of River Oromo. The transmission project has inadvertently been linked to the controversy though the two are as separate as north is to the south.

One of the project financiers, African Development Bank has recently released the Environmental Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report on their website. Kindly view it here on AfDB Website .

The Ethiopia – Kenya Power Interconnection Project will usher in the regional energy trade which
has for a long time been envisaged with the formation of the Eastern African Power Pool (EAPP) by
Heads of State and Government at the 11th Summit of COMESA in Djibouti in November, 2006 as a
specialized institution of COMESA for electrical power for Eastern Africa. The overall objective of
the EAPP is to facilitate regional integration and hence to realize sustainable growth and
development. Other objectives include optimization of the usage of energy resources available in the
COMESA region, increase in the power supply for the region, reduction in electricity production cost
and creation of a conducive environment for investment. Trade in electrical energy between Ethiopia
and Kenya will enhance trade between the two countries, stimulate other related trades and
technologies and raise the level of socio-economic integration of citizens of the two countries
especially those across the common border who have in the past relied mainly on a nomadic herding
way of life and interaction. This type of interaction has in recent years seen bloody clashes in
competition for grazing and water resources. With diversification into modern technology in trade
and other socio-economic integration among the border communities, better harmony and improved
security will be realized at the border region

Courtesy of AfDB

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