Monday, February 13, 2012

New port’s Sh9 billion power project starts

By Patrick Beja
A multi-billion shilling power project to light up the proposed Lamu Port is underway.
Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (Ketraco) yesterday said the 220 kilovolts transmission will cover 328.5 kilometres from Rabai in Kaloleni to Magogoni in Lamu County.
The project will cost more than Sh9 billion. President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga are scheduled to preside over the groundbreaking ceremony of the port on March 2.
Ketraco project co-ordinator Anthony Wamukota said the project was expected to be complete by October.
The power line project is being undertaken by China CAMC Engineering Company and funded by the Chinese and Kenyan governments.
"The newly constructed line will replace the 33kv single circuit serving the region, which will also create a huge network of electricity to all the disadvantaged consumers in the three counties of Kilifi, Tana River and Lamu," said Ketraco head of corporation communications Raphael Mworia.
Site clearance 
The power line is also expected to benefit small-scale industries and the proposed sugar factories, and support tourist hotels and agriculture in the Tana River delta.
So far, the Government has allocated Sh555 million for clearance of the port site ahead of the ground breaking ceremony.
Heavy machinery has been deplored to the remote county to open up access roads from Mokowe to Magogoni area.
Courtesy of E.A. Standard 

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