Friday, September 9, 2011

Mozambican government wants to link all of the country’s districts to the national power grid by 2014

Maputo, Mozambique, 7 Sept – The Mozambican government plans to link all of the country’s 128 districts to the national electricity grid by 2014, as currently 102 districts benefit from power produced at the Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Dam (HCB), said Mozambique’s Energy Minister.
Speaking to Angolan news agency Angop, Salvador Namburete said that in 1977 just five districts were linked to the national grid, which by 2004 had risen to 58, “and we believe that we will fulfil our plan to link all the districts by 2014.”
“In 2005, we had about 51,000 people that benefitted from electricity from solar panels and this year we have 2.1 million,” Namburete noted.
The Energy minister announced plans to repair hydroelectric plants, costing US$54 million for the repair of the Revué and Chicamba plants, in the central province of Manica.
The Funhalouro district in the north of Inhambane province is one of those that may start consuming power produced at Cahora Bassa starting this year, according to the provincial directorate o Mining and Energy Resources.
Meanwhile, Mozambique’s electricity company Electricidade de Moçambique (EdM) invested around 2 billion meticals (US$73.8 million) in the first half of the year to expand and improve it electricity distribution network.
In the first quarter of the year the company earned around US$80 million from power exports. (Courtesy of Macau Hub)

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