Monday, November 14, 2011

Ethio-Djibouti electric power interconnection project inaugurated

The 283km long Ethio-Djibouti electric power transmission project inaugurated on Wednesday.

The 230-kV power transmission line would enable Djibouti to import 35-megawatt of electricity from Ethiopia. Ethiopia in return would obtain up to $1.5 million a month from the power export.

The power interconnection project was inaugurated at the presence Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi and President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismael Omar Guelleh in Djibouti.

In his speech at the inaugural ceremony, Prime Minister Meles said in addition to the existing railway interconnection, Ethiopia and Djibouti are building strong road and telecom infrastructure.

He said besides the current infrastructure, agreement has been reached to connect Port Djibouti and Tajura Port (to be built soon) by constructing two modern railways.

Infrastructure ties between the two countries are exemplary for the nations in the region and beyond, Meles said.

The premium said activities undertaken so far by the two nations are remarkable, adding, more works need to be done to further strengthen the existing cooperation and economic ties between the two brotherly people.

He confirmed that Ethiopia wants to strengthen its economic ties with Djibouti.

Chief Executive Officer of the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation, Mihret Debebe for his part said the transmission project was completed at a cost of $1.5 billion.

He said 80 percent of the finance was secured from the African Development Bank while the balance was covered by governments of the two nations.

The power transmission line is the first of its kind to have an Optical Ground Wire which can be used for telecom services as well, Mihret said.

The transmission route would also help supply 12 Ethiopian border towns with electricity.

The inaugural ceremony was also attended by higher government officials of the two nations as well as representative of the African Development Bank. 

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