Monday, November 14, 2011

Rwanda: New Hydro-Power Plants to Foster Development

Eric Didier Karinganire

31 October 2011

The three plants of Keya in Rubavu district, and Cyimbili and Nkora in Rutsiro district, western province, constructed through a Belgian-Rwandese collaboration, have capacity to produce 3.2 Mw which are fed into the national grid to increase the power output by 5%.In a bid to increase access to electricity among rural population, three micro-hydro power plants were last Thursday inaugurated in Rubavu and Rutsiro districts.

According to Marc Pecsteen, the Belgian ambassador to Rwanda, more than 300 households were connected upon completion of the transmission lines; thus making more than 100,000 inhabitants profit directly or indirectly from the new extension lines in the two districts.
The ambassador however observed that the energy generated is still significantly low compared to the demand, yet he remains optimistic on the impact it will have for local residents, especially for the social and economic development.

"Without electricity, living conditions cannot be improved, vaccines against diseases cannot be kept in acceptable conditions, children will not be able to study in a conducive environment, business cannot be developed," Pecsteen mentioned. "I am convinced that the local population is already enjoying these benefits and hope that it will lead to an increased and diversification of local income generating activities."

The plants and transmission lines, stretching more than 60 km, have been constructed through the project co-funded by the government of Rwanda and the government of Belgium at a cost of more than Frw 9 billion.
For Albert Nsengiyumva, the Infrastructure Minister, this is in line with the government commitment to increase production and distribution of electricity as an engine to foster socio-economic development.
According to the minister, only 15% of Rwandan population has access to electricity; the rate which is still very small compared to the needs at the national level.

He therefore said that, to overcome this situation, the government has set out clear targets of 1000 Mw and 50% of connections countrywide by 2017.

Meanwhile, the minister said that the government is committed, by 2013, to extend electricity to all sectors of the country by, first of all, connecting health centers, local administration offices, trading centers and other social infrastructure that are likely to foster socio-economic development.

To achieve this target, development of renewable energy such as solar energy, methane gas energy project, micro-hydro power plants and geothermal energy are alternatives among others that are to be strengthened, he added.

Besides the inaugurated plants, the current indicative cooperation program between Belgium and Rwanda worth Euro 160 million in a four-year period, from 2011 to 2014, of which Euro 55 million are allocated to supporting electricity access roll-out program, especially in rural areas.

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